BCA was recently at the 2024 AgriTrade Expo & Conference in Guatemala, at the invitation of AGEXPORT – the Guatemalan Exporters’ Association.
AgriTrade is the largest agricultural export platform in Central America. During the two-day Coffee Trade event which ran parallel to AgriTrade, BCA met with around a dozen coffee producers from across Guatemala, discussing the opportunities for expanding exports into the UK markets, and some of the regulatory issues they need to be aware of.
Alongside this, there were cupping sessions, auctions, and social activities, bringing together the producers with coffee buyers from around the world.
Below are the details of some of the producers we met with, with contact information and links to their websites (if applicable):
- Guatemala Real Cafe, ventas@realcafe.com.gt
- El Famoso Specialty Coffee, sales@elfamosocafe.com
- Cafe Gormet, guatemala@cafegourmetsa.com
- Nohtee Coffee, roberto.diaz@nohtee.com
- Pinula Cafe, eosorio@pinulacoffee.com
- San Isidro Cafe, info@sanisidromcoffee.com
- Generaciones Asociadas, website contact form
- Finca San Rafael, martinezg637@yahoo.com
- Hacienda Yalipur, osorioyalipur@gmail.com
If you would like to discuss more about the event, please contact our Media & Public Affairs Manager, Thomas de Freitas.