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British Coffee Association Members

Our members span the entire coffee supply chain from importers, warehousers, logistics and shipping companies, all the way through to roasters, manufacturers and coffee shops on our UK high street. Below are some links to our current members across the four membership levels. Click below for further information on what each level of membership means and which companies are part of shaping the BCA.

Full Membership Industry

Full Membership Industry of the Association shall be open to any company operating/trading in Great Britain which has a business / division substantially based on the manufacturing and/or supply of coffee, including in and out of home, cafés, coffee shops and all associated areas.

All Full Members, both Trade and Industry, are entitled to a seat on the Management Board and are responsible for the day to day running of the Association. In addition they will be eligible to appoint members to the Technical, Sustainability and Regulatory Committee and the Trade and Logistics Committee.

Britvic Soft Drinks

Bewley’s Tea and Coffee UK Ltd

Caffe Nero

Cafedirect Plc


Cafea UK

Finlay Beverages Ltd

JDE Peet’s

Lavazza Coffee UK Ltd

Matthew Algie

Nestle UK & Ireland

Ringtons Limited

Taylors of Harrogate

Union Hand-Roasted Coffee

Full Membership Trade

Full Membership Trade of the Association shall be open to any person or company operating/trading in Great Britain who/which has a primary function of buying and/or selling physical coffee and/or coffee futures and/or acting as an intermediary between such companies.

All Full Members, both Trade and Industry, are entitled to a seat on the Management Board and are responsible for the day to day running of the Association. In addition they will be eligible to appoint members to the Technical, Sustainability and Regulatory Committee and the Trade and Logistics Committee.

AGC (Commodity Store) Ltd

Caravela Limited

Coffee AG Ltd

Covoya Specialty Coffee


Equatorial Traders Ltd

Group Sopex

InterAmerican Coffee Ltd

Olam International

Sucafina UK Limited

TRC Specialty Commodities

Volcafe UK

Associate Membership

Associate Membership shall be open to any person or company operating in or outside Great Britain whose business has a primary function of buying and/or selling physical coffee and/or coffee futures and/or acting as an intermediary between such companies and/or functions such as, but not limited to, the transportation, warehousing, insuring, financing of green and/or processed coffee and/or any other function which the Association deems to be of benefit. Associate Members may attend meetings with observer status but are not entitled to vote.

ABN AMRO Clearing Bank N.V.

Allanasons Private Limited

The Vending & Automated Retail Association

Boast International Ltd

Coffigo Trading

C Steinweg Belgium N.V.

Commodity Centre

CWH Johnsons International

CWT Commodity Logistics (UK) Ltd

Daarnhouwer & Co. BV

Durme-Natie CVBA

ETG Commodities B.V.

Falcon Coffees

Filhet-Allard Maritime

Henry Bath & Son

ICE Futures Europe

Lockton Companies LLP


Molenbergnatie NV

Nairobi Coffee & Tea Co.

OCR Commodities

Pacorini Antwerp NV

R Markey & Sons (UK) Ltd

R Markey & Sons (UK) Ltd

Sheba Coffee (UK) Ltd

Societe Generale International Ltd

StoneX Financial Ltd

Sucden Financial Ltd

Summit Dynamic Solutions

Trade in Space Ltd

Vollers UK

Small Company Membership

Subject to Management Board approval, Small Company Membership as defined below, shall be open to any person or company operating in or outside Great Britain whose business has a primary function of buying and/or selling physical coffee and/or coffee futures and/or acting as an intermediary between such companies and/or functions such as, but not limited to, the transportation, warehousing, insuring, financing of green and/or processed coffee and/or any other function which the Association deems to be of benefit.


  • Less than ten employees
  • Annual turnover less than £2 million
  • Handle small volumes of coffee

Small Company Members may attend meetings with observer status but are not entitled to vote.

Di Tutti Coffee Ltd

Eiger Trading Advisors Ltd

Hall Hunter Partnership

Maverick Coffee Trading

Nature Commodities Trading Ltd

NobleTree Coffee & Cocoa Production UK Holdings Ltd

Origin Commodities Limited

Paolo Scimone Consulting 

Riccoffee UK Ltd

The Island Tea & Coffee Co.

Vidya Global Ltd

Zygo Ltd